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Can U Continue Fallout 4 on New Game With the Same Character

character creation and NPC' they all look similar?

Post » Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:00 am

Hey everybody,

Been playing for a little bit, have made 4 characters so far 1 male and 3 females. I've also watched a few FO4 videos that showed the named NPCs. I was wondering if anyone else noticed this but does it seem like a lot of the female characters share the same facial features? namely the eyes? i dont know if its because of a limitation in the facial parameters or what. But i remember my first female character that i created i changed a bunch of stuff around, even several eye options. But even after i was done it was still pretty easy to make out traces of the default female face. I'm actually about to make a new character right now and i'm looking at the wife character behind me in the mirror and comparing her face to Piper and to me their faces seem kinda similar...and again i mainly see it around the eyes.

anyone else get that same impression?

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Stryke Force
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:43 am

Probably it's because you model the face based on Caucasian's ideal face proportion?

Because mine looks different from them.

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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:52 pm

Its funny cause my first character actually had the same hairstyle as the one in your avatar pic. A bit more eye makeup but mine had eyes that look too much like the default face. I also downloaded a mod from nexus that claimed to "beautify" the default #1 face but even her eyes had a slight resemblance to the default eyes. I just finished the toon i said i was creating in my OP and i spent extra time on her eyes to make sure it looked like the way i wanted to and not like the default face. And once i got out of the vault i prompty covered them up with x-92 goggles lol.

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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:35 pm

It all just depends on how you make them. Generic characters are more likely to find someone similar to them.

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Daniel Brown
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2016 10:30 pm

As long you put your love on your creation is going to be beautiful. :hugs:

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JUan Martinez
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:45 am

Yeah the devs are kinda lazy when it comes to making diverse npcs/presets.. For example you may notice that there are only 2 dead settler npcs templates (1male 1female) that are used for every dead settler you find in the Commonwealth.

There are plenty of Asian eye options this time though so if you can't get your character to stand out otherwise, try them. Editing both separate eyelids rather than the whole eye only can also get you some unique looks, but the eyelid textures/folds are always the same 5 type options in the end. With makeup/hair changes you can have many different looks even if you don't change a thing about the structure. I have spent A LOT of time in the character creation/surgery chair and I'm very happy with all my characters. First one has a bit of that generic-look issue but every one after that looks different despite me starting all of them from a same template I made. What I would finally advice is the cliche of thinking outside your comfort zone and trying something different than you're used to.

Also this:

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Add Meeh
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:48 pm

The mod creator who aimed to beautify may be looking from western ideal, which typically has big eyes, small sharp nose, and thick lips. And apparently, as far as I noticed, the NPCs have this ideal too, so that's maybe why your female characters look similar - assuming you're using the same ideal of facial proportion.

You may want to play around with the said facial parts further next time you do another creation.

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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:37 am

You just need to play around more.. Instead of starting with a default face., make a horrendously messed up face and then start from there. You can't just switch eye types or nose types and expect to see a huge difference. You really have to dig in and mold it like clay. I usually start with the face shape. Jaw, cheeks, jowls, whatnot.. Get a face shape I like and then put the eyes, nose and mouth in positions that look good with that face shape. . We tend to want to concentrate on eyes first and then build around the eyes... Try doing eyes last after you've messed with all other parts of the face.

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Dan Scott
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