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Legaia 2 Duel Saga How to Use Mystic Arts

Legaia 2: Duel Saga -> Uncategorized -> Arts


Last Updated: 2018-01-20 04:53:39 (k73sk)

Note: These have non all been tested. If any are incorrect, please report the mistake. Thanks!

Note nearly Mystic Arts: They require 100AP, 100 available MP, and less than one-half of the character'southward health. In other words, if the character has more than l% wellness, they can't utilize the Mystic Art. Besides, Variable Arts are not available for use until the cutting scene in the Forest Maze.



Name Blazon AP Combination
Blade Trip the light fantastic Normal +16 Down, Left, Left
Blueish Moon Buster Normal +sixteen Right, Down, Right
Hawk Stroke Normal +xvi Left, Downward, Down
Mountain Crusher Normal +16 Upwardly, Right, Up
Chaos Strike Normal +20 Up, Down, Right, Up
Demon Thrust* Normal +20 Down, Downwards, Downwards, Up
Shadow Divide Normal +20 Left, Right, Upward, Left
Thunderflash Normal +twenty Down, Upward, Up, Up
Battle Flash Normal +24 Upwardly, Down, Down, Left, Correct
Rabid Set on Normal +24 Down, Upward, Downward, Left, Right
Wind Blade Normal +24 Left, Right, Down, Upward, Left
Sandstorm Super -xvi Right, Left, Right
Red Whirlwind* Super -24 Down, Upwards, Upwardly, Left
Thunder Moon** Super -24 Upward, Upwards, Right, Correct
True Moon Slash Super -24 Up, Downwardly, Downwards, Up
Moonflower*** Super -32 Right, Left, Downwardly, Left, Right
Raging Fang Hyper -thirty Upwards, Downwards, Upwardly
Divine Commodities Hyper -40 Up, Downwardly, Down, Right
Roaring Fang Hyper -40 Up, Right, Left, Upwards
Sky Fang Hyper -50 Upward, Downward, Correct, Left, Up
Thunder Sky Hyper -50 Down, Left, Downwardly, Right, Up
Sleeping Dragon Hyper -60 Left, Up, Right, Left, Down, Upward
Airborne Fury [F] Variable -80 Downwards, Left, Up, Correct, Down, Left
Solid Strike [O] Variable -fourscore Left, Right, Left, Downwardly, Up, Downward
Flaming Sword Mystic -100/-100MP Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Downwardly

*This assault has a possibility of stunning the enemy.

**This set on has a possibility of paralyzing the enemy.

***This attack has a possibility of putting the enemy to sleep.

[O] Opening movement. This variable can ONLY combine with some other characters Finishing Variable Art.

[F] Finishing movement. This variable can Only combine with another characters Opening Variable Art.



Proper noun Type AP Combination
Bed Rock Buster Normal +xvi Down, Correct, Down
Bullheaded Fury** Normal +16 Left, Upwards, Correct
Dark Disaster*** Normal +16 Down, Downwards, Upwardly
Ice Floe Normal +16 Up, Right, Right
Inferno Normal +16 Left, Down, Left
Thunderhead Normal +sixteen Right, Up, Left
Wind Blade Normal +16 Right, Left, Up
Aqua Spear Normal +20 Right, Down, Up, Right
Water ice Pyre Normal +20 Right, Right, Downward, Downwards
Magma Mayhem Normal +20 Left, Left, Left, Down
Nova Heat Normal +20 Left, Up, Upwards, Left
Toxic Cloud Super -16 Right, Up, Down
Ballistic Light Super -24 Down, Downwards, Left, Left
Blizzard Blast Super -24 Upwardly, Upwards, Right, Up
Gravity Trounce Super -24 Down, Up, Downward, Downwardly
Spirit Storm* Super -24 Up, Right, Up, Correct
Skysplitter Super -24 Left, Left, Right, Left
Shooting star Storm Super -32 Downwards, Left, Left, Left, Right
Absolute Aught Hyper -40 Correct, Right, Right, Right
Big Blindside Hyper -40 Downward, Up, Right, Left
Dust to Dust Hyper -twoscore Down, Down, Down, Downwards
Raging Heaven Hyper -40 Up, Up, Up, Up
Dancing Flames Hyper -l Left, Left, Left, Left, Left
Under Gate* Hyper -60 Downwardly, Upwards, Left, Right, Down, Down
Pyro Fury [O] Variable -eighty Correct, Left, Left, Upward, Downward, Right
Shockwave [F] Variable -lxxx Left, Correct, Down, Upwards, Left, Correct
Forbidden Rite Mystic -100/-100MP Downwards, Up, Right, Down, Upward, Left, Down

*This attack has a possibility of silencing the enemy.

**This attack has a possibility of blinding the enemy.

*** This attack has a possibility of giving the enemy venom.

[O] Opening motion. This variable can ONLY combine with some other characters Finishing Variable Fine art.

[F] Finishing motion. This variable can Just combine with another characters Opening Variable Art.



Proper noun Blazon AP Combination
Critical Thrust Normal +16 Up, Right, Right
Lightning Kick Normal +16 Left, Up, Down
Moon Splitter Normal +16 Down, Left, Right
Double Fists Normal +20 Downward, Down, Downwardly, Upwardly
Double Boot Normal +20 Down, Upwards, Upward, Up
Goblin Dance Normal +20 Correct, Correct, Left, Correct
Jawbuster Normal +xx Correct, Right, Upward, Upward
Fever Current of air Normal +24 Downwardly, Left, Left, Down, Right
Aerial Attack Super -24 Left, Correct, Down, Upwards
Mortiferous Hands Super -24 Upwards, Down, Correct, Up
Iron Fists Super -24 Up, Right, Left, Left
Cannon Smash* Super -32 Up, Upwards, Left, Downward, Right
Fists of Rage Hyper -30 Left, Left, Left
Earthshaker Hyper -40 Right, Left, Up, Upwardly
Fists of Celebrity Hyper -40 Left, Left, Right, Left
Hyper Blast** Hyper -50 Up, Left, Correct, Down, Downward
Skyshaker*** Hyper -50 Up, Left, Right, Upwardly, Down
Ultimate Fury Hyper -60 Upward, Left, Right, Left, Down, Down
Demon Crusher [O] Variable -lxxx Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left
Fatal Impact [F] Variable -80 Correct, Right, Left, Left, Down, Up
Fists of Rock Mystic -100/-100MP Downwards, Right, Left, Up, Right, Left, Downwards

* This attack has a possibility of stunning the enemy.

** This attack has a possibility of blinding the enemy.

*** This attack has a possibility of instantly killing the enemy.

[O] Opening motility. This variable can But combine with another characters Finishing Variable Art.

[F] Finishing motility. This variable can ONLY combine with another characters Opening Variable Art.



Name Type AP Combination
Spike Ballast Normal +xvi Upwards, Down, Right
Slay Cutlass Normal +16 Right, Left, Upward
Encarmine Fang Normal +twenty Left, Upward, Down, Left
Range Moving ridge Normal +20 Down, Correct, Down, Left
Anarchism Flag Normal +20 Upward, Left, Left, Upward
Rising Stars Normal +20 Correct, Down, Right, Correct
Rumble Spike Normal +xx Left, Upwards, Up, Upwardly
Blood Spark Normal +24 Downwardly, Right, Left, Right, Up
Rave Tempest Normal +24 Down, Up, Right, Left, Right
Fearfulness Galgarin Super -16 Left, Left, Down
Crescent Heel Super -24 Up, Up, Right, Correct
Peach Surprise* Super -24 Down, Up, Downwards, Left
Spiral Blade Super -24 Left, Left, Correct, Up
Surf Divide** Super -24 Correct, Left, Downward, Downward
Fearful Arc Hyper -30 Left, Right, Right
Lord of Eden Hyper -xl Left, Correct, Left, Right
Merciful Arc Hyper -twoscore Right, Upwardly, Left, Down
Skylord Hyper -fifty Left, Right, Downwardly, Left, Right
Windmill Rose Hyper -50 Downward, Up, Up, Upward, Up
Detonating Rose Hyper -sixty Down, Downwards, Downwards, Up, Up, Upwardly
Phantom Burst [F] Variable -80 Left, Downward, Upwardly, Right, Downwards, Right
Splash Rave [O] Variable -fourscore Down, Down, Left, Right, Up, Up
Apokolips Mystic -100/-100MP Upwards, Down, Left, Right, Upwards, Down, Up

This attack has a possibility of bewitching the enemy.

**This attack has a possibility of stunning the enemy.

[O] Opening motion. This variable can Only combine with another characters Finishing Variable Art.

[F] Finishing movement. This variable can ONLY combine with another characters Opening Variable Art.



Name Type AP Combination
Disaster Primary Normal +xvi Upward, Left, Right
Earthrazor Normal +16 Right, Up, Down
Shockforce Normal +16 Down, Correct, Left
Whirlwind Assail Normal +16 Left, Down, Up
Full Touch Normal +twenty Right, Left, Upwards, Downwardly
Tidal Wave Normal +twenty Up, Correct, Down, Left
Galeforce Super -xvi Left, Left, Upwards
Solid Blow Super -16 Downward, Correct, Right
Firestorm Hyper -xxx Left, Down, Downwardly
Power Bract Hyper -30 Down, Right, Downward
Raging Warrior Hyper -40 Right, Upward, Left, Up
Axe Crush Hyper -50 Up, Left, Down, Left, Right
Armageddon Star [O] Variable -fourscore Up, Downwards, Left, Left, Right, Correct
Soaring Axe [F] Variable -fourscore Left, Left, Correct, Right, Downwardly, Up

[O] Opening move. This variable can Only combine with another characters Finishing Variable art.

[F] Finishing move. This variable can But combine with another characters Opening Variable art.


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